Network Members
Nicolas Barreyre
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France
Nicolas Barreyre is assistant professor in American history at the University Paris-Ouest Nanterre. In his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Sectionalism and Politics in the United States: The Midwest and Reconstruction, 1865-1877”, he explored the spatial dimension of American politics, particularly through the impact of sectionalism on national politics. He also proposed a reinterpretation of Reconstruction by including the main debates in political economy and decentering the narrative towards a truly national frame. Nicolas Barreyre also studies the organization and the forms of the American State in the 19th century.
Manfred Berg
Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Germany
Manfred Berg is the Curt Engelhorn Professor of American History at the University of Heidelberg and a specialist in the history of the African American civil rights movement. His book The Ticket to Freedom: The NAACP and the Struggle for Black Political Integration was published in 2005 by the University Press of Florida. In 2006 Manfred Berg received the David Thelen Award of the Organization of American Historians for his essay “Civil Rights and Liberal Anticommunism: The NAACP during the Early Cold War,” which was published in the June 2007 issue of the Journal of American History. In addition, Professor Berg has published ten more monographs and edited volumes and over forty scholarly articles in both English and German on various aspects of American and German history. He has just finished a manuscript entitled Popular Justice: A History of Lynching in America to be published by Ivan Dee, Chicago. Before he was appointed professor of American History at Heidelberg, he taught at the Free University of Berlin and was a research fellow (1992-1997) at the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., among other positions. In 2009 he served as the Lewis P. Jones Professor of History at Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Trevor Burnard
Previously, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Now, University of Melbourne, Australia
Trevor Burnard has been Professor of the History of the Americas, History and Comparative American Studies at the University of Warwick since 2007. After taking his PhD in History at the Johns Hopkins University, he held lectureships in Jamaica and New Zealand. He was Reader and Professor in History at Brunel University from 2000 to 2004 and Professor of American History at the University of Sussex between 2004 and 2007.
Susanna Delfino
Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Susanna Delfino is Associate Professor of American History at the Università degli Studi di Genova. She is the author or editor of several books, incluing, along with Michele Gillespie, Neither Lady nor Slave: Working Women of the Old South and Global Perspectives on Industrial Transformation in the American South.
Max Edling
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Max Edling is Research Fellow and University Lecturer at Uppsala Universitet, Sweden. In 2010-2011 he is a Fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center. Edling is the author of A Revolution in Favor of Government: Origins of the U.S. Constitution and the Making of the American State (2003) and an expert on the American founding and on the early federal government. He is on the scientific committee of the European Early American Studies Association (EEASA) and the board of the Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS).
Tibor Frank
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Tibor Frank is Professor of History at the Department of American Studies and Director of the School of English and American Studies, at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary (1994—2001, 2006). He was one of the founding members of the Department of American Studies in ELTE in 1990 and Chair from 1992 to 1994. In Spring 2000 he set up a new Ph.D. program in American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University which he serves as program director.
Susan-Mary Grant
Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Susan-Mary Grant is Professor of American History at Newcastle University. She is a founding member of the British American Nineteenth Century Historians’ (BrANCH) association and editor of its journal American Nineteenth Century History (from 2005-) and was a committee member of the Organization of American Historians (1995-2000). Her research interests include American national identity in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the American Civil War. She is currently completing a study of disabled American Civil War soldiers and veterans, and working on war commemoration more generally.
Marcus Gräser
German Historical Institute, United States
Marcus Gräser joined the German Historical Institute as a Deputy Director in August 2010. From 1996 until 2009 he has occupied positions as research fellow and research associate at the University of Frankfurt’s Center for North American Studies. In 2009/10 he was substituting in the chair of American history at Heidelberg University. He received his PhD in 1995 and completed his Habilitation in 2005. His main areas of research focus on American and European history, on welfare state history, urban history and history of historiography. In 2008, Graeser was awarded the David Thelen prize of the Organization of American Historians (for the best article in American history published in a foreign language). He is presently preparing the Northamerica volume for the series ‘Neue Fischer Weltgeschichte’.
Michael Heale
Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Michael Heale spent the greater part of his career at the University of Lancaster, of which he is now Emeritus Professor of American History. He has served as the Editor of the Journal of American Studies, and has been a visiting professor or fellow at several U.S. universities. He held a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford from 2005-2007. His research interests have embraced early 19th century U.S. history (social reform and the Jacksonian era), the British historiography of America, American anticommunism, the Reagan administration, and (currently) late 20th century U.S. political history, particularly the interaction between domestic politics and globalization.
Sylvia L. Hilton
Universidad Compultense de Madrid, Spain
Sylvia L. Hilton teaches U.S. and Spanish American History at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Her main research interests are Spanish colonial frontiers in North America, Revolutionary era (1763-1820s), Spanish-U.S. relations, and Americanist historiography. Her current research projects are ‘Spain and the Louisiana Purchase,’ and ‘The USA in Spanish Historiography.’ She is the author of numerous books and articles, among which are (with S.J.S. Ickringill, et al.), European Perceptions of the Spanish-American War of 1898 (Bern, 1999); and five volumes co-edited with Cornelis van Minnen: Federalism, Citizenship and Collective Identities in U.S. History (Amsterdam, 2000), Nation on the Move: Mobility in U.S. History (Amsterdam, 2002), Frontiers and Boundaries in United States History (Amsterdam, 2004), Teaching and Studying U.S. History in Europe: Past, Present and Future (Amsterdam, 2007), Political Repression in U.S. History (Amsterdam, 2009). Other recent publications include (with Emma Sánchez Montañés, et al.), Norteamérica a finales del siglo XVIII: España y los Estados Unidos (Madrid, 2008); (with Gene A. Smith), Nexus of Empire: Negotiating Loyalty and Identity in the Revolutionary Borderlands, 1760s-1820s (Gainesville, 2010), and “Identities and the Usable Pasts of Colonial Borderlands: Spanish Historians and the North Pacific Frontiers of the Spanish Empire,” in Steve Hackel, ed., Alta California: Peoples in Motion, Identities in Formation, 1769-1850 (Berkeley, 2010). Sylvia also serves on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals in Spain, and as International Contributing Editor of the Journal of American History.
Martin Klimke
German Historical Institute, United States
Martin Klimke is a historian and research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C. and the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany (on leave). Trained at the University of Göttingen, Amherst College and the University of Heidelberg, he has taught at Amherst College, Rutgers University, and the University of Heidelberg. His research focuses on the intersection of political and cultural history, as well as transnational history. His latest book is a co-authored history of the experience of African-American soldiers in Germany in the 20th century and he is currently writing a biography of peace activists Petra Kelly and Randall Forsberg.
Hans Krabbendam
Roosevelt Study Center, Netherlands
Hans Krabbendam was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands. In 1983 he entered Leiden University to study (American) history. After acquiring his M.A. degree there, he specialized in Dutch immigration history at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA, where he earned another Master’s in 1989. Since 1990 he has been affiliated with the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, most recently as assistant-director. In 1995 he acquired his Doctoral Degree from Leiden University in the Netherlands with a dissertation entitled: The Model Man: A Life of Edward W. Bok, 1863-1930. He has published several articles on Dutch immigration history and edited a number of books on European (Dutch)-American relations.
Vincent Michelot
Institut d’Études Politiques, Lyon, France
Vincent Michelot is Professor of American Studies at the Institut d’Études Politiques, Lyon. His doctoral work was on nominations to the United States Supreme Court and he writes regularly on contemporary American politics for Le Débat, Hérodote, Questions Internationales, Comprendre, La Revue Politique et Parlementaire, La Revue Française d’Études Américaines and La Revue Tocqueville. His recent work on the American presidency includes an essay , L’empereur de la Maison-Blanche, and a book on Le président des États-Unis : un pouvoir impérial ?
Simon Middleton
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Simon Middleton is Senior Lecturer in American History in the History Department, University of Sheffield. He was educated at Kingston Polytechnic, Harvard University, and the City University of New York Graduate Center, where he completed a Ph.D. From 1997-2005 he taught in the School of American Studies at the University of East Anglia. Articles have appeared in The William and Mary Quarterly, New York History and various edited collections. He is the author of From Privileges to Rights: Work and Politics in Colonial New York City (Philadelphia, 2006) which was awarded the Hendricks Manuscript Award 2004 and the 2006 British Association of American Studies Book Prize. He was also the recipient of a 2003 Program in Early American Economy and Society prize for the best article in colonial economic history. With Billy Smith he coedited and introduced a collection of essays, Class Matters. Early North America and the Atlantic World (Philadelphia, 2008). Simon has received grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Board, British Academy, New York State Archives Hackman Residency Program, and the Gilder Lehrman Foundation in support of his work.
Jörg Nagler
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Jörg Nagler is Professor of North American history at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and Visiting Fellow at the Rothermere American Institute 2010. He has written extensively on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. history, with a particular focus on war and society. He is also interested in comparative history and the relationship between Germany and the United States. He has authored and edited a number of books (in both German and English), including On the Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861-1871 (1997) and a biography of Lincoln in German in 2009.
Simon Newman
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Simon Newman is Sir Denis Brogan Professor of American History. He was the recipient of the American Studies Network Book Prize (2004), awarded biennially by the American Studies Network of European centres of American Studies to ‘the most remarkable book’ published in all fields of American Studies by a European scholar. He currently holds a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship (2010-2012). His research interests centre on the social and political history of early America, with particular reference to the American Revolution; the early modern British Atlantic world; historical and modern understandings of American history and society.
Halina Parafianowicz
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Poland
Halina Parafianowicz is Professor and Chair of World History 1919-1945 at Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Poland. She was formerly Pro-Rector for Research and Dean in the Faculty of History and Sociology. She received her Ph.D.(1984) and habilitation (1997) from Uniwersytet Warszawski. Her research focuses on U.S. foreign policy towards East-Central Europe in the twentieth century. She is the author of a biography of Herbert Hoover and two works on cultural and diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Poland and Czechoslovakia as well as many articles published in Polish historical journals. Her most recent articles are ‘Charity and Bussines: Herbert C. Hoover in Russia, 1921-1923,’ Białystok 2009; and the forthcoming ‘”Sister Republic” in the Heart of Europe: Czechoslovakia and the Unitedstates, 1918-1939.’ She was the recipient of a Fulbright research fellowship at George Washington University, 1998-99, during which time she researched her biography of Eleanor Roosevelt which appeared in 2000, the first to be published in Europe. She is the chief editor of Białostockie Teki Historyczne and an international contributing editor of the Journal of American History.
Pauline Peretz
Université de Nantes, France
Pauline Paretz is a Lecturer in Modern History at Université de Nantes, France // Collège de France. She is a historian of the United States and international relations. She more particularly works on U.S. foreign policy, American diasporas, and inter-ethnic relations. She is currently undertaking research on citizen lobbies and the reform of American government since the 1970s. She is the author of Le combat pour les Juifs soviétiques. Washington-Moscou-Jérusalem, 1953-1989 (2006) which will be published in English as “Let my People Go!” The Transnational Politics of Soviet Jewish Emigration during the Cold War in November 2011.
Mario del Pero
Università di Bologna, Italy
Mario del Pero is Professor of U.S. and International History at the Università di Bologna. He received his Ph.D. from the Università degli Studi di Milano. He has held a Fulbright research fellowship at Columbia University, New York (2001); Mellon research fellowship, New York University (2001-2002); Jean Monnet research fellowship, European University Institute (2004-2005) and John Kluge research fellowship, U.S. Library of Congress (2007). He was visiting professor at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia (2005). He was the recipient of the David Thelen Prize of the Organization of American Historians for the best article on American history written in a foreign language (1998). His research centres on U.S. foreign policy, transatlantic relations and Cold War history.
Helle Porsdam
Københavns Universitet, Denmark
Helle Porsdam is Professor of American Studies and American History at the SAXO Institute, Dept. of History at Københavns Universitet. She holds an M.A. in English from Københavns Universitet and a PhD in American Studies from Yale University, and a Dr.Phil. from Syddansk Universitet. From 1992-1993 and again in 200-2001 she was a Liberal Arts Fellow at Harvard Law School. She teaches American history and her research interests include law and American culture, American intellectual history and literature, and human rights and cultural heritage. She has published widely on these topics, including, most recently, From Civil to Human Rights: Dialogues on Law and Humanities in the United States and Europe (2009). She has just received funding from HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area, European Science Foundation) for a project on creativity, copyright and cultural heritage institutions.
Sandra Scanlon
University College Dublin, Ireland
Sandra Scanlon is Lecturer in American History at University College Dublin’s School of History and Archives. She completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at University College Dublin, and received her doctorate from Cambridge University, where she was the recipient of a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Dr Scanlon has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Modern History, Oxford University, University College Dublin, the University of Sheffield and, most recently, the London School of Economics. From 2006-2008, she held an IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellow at the School of History and Archives, University College Dublin, where she was the director of the MA in International Relations. In 2009, she became the Events Secretary of HOTCUS (Historians of the Twentieth Century United States). Her research focuses on twentieth century United States political culture and foreign policy. She is currently completing a monograph on the evolution of conservatives’ Cold War ideologies, ‘The Pro-War Movement: Vietnam and the Rise of Modern American Conservatism.’
Paul Schor
Université Paris Diderot, France
Paul Schor is maître de conférences in American civilisation at the University of Paris-VII. He has worked on the history of the social construction of ethnic and racial categories in the United States since the Independence, especially on the use of public statistics to construct race. He currently works on a social history of consumers in the twentieth century, and on the differentiation of consumer practices and markets in racial, ethnic and social groups.
Isabel Soto
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Isabel Soto is an Associate Professor in the Modern Languages Department of Spain’s Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. She has been Visiting Scholar at Vassar College and Honorary Fellow of the Schomburg Center for Black Research and Culture. In 2000 she co-founded the independent scholarly press The Gateway Press, devoted to publishing work on liminality and text. She was an Associate Fellow of the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford during 2008-2009. Her research interests are in liminality theory, African American Studies and Transatlantic Studies. Her most recent book is a co-edition, The Dialectics of Diasporas. Memory, Location, Gender (Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-Americans, 2009). She is currently working on a forthcoming title, Western Fictions, Black Realities:Meanings of Blackness and Modernities (LitVerlag). In addition she is preparing a monograph on non-Anglophone constructions of the Black Atlantic, focusing on the work of Langston Hughes.
Stephen Tuck
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Stephen Tuck is University Lecturer in American History at the University of Oxford and Director of the Oxford Centre for Research in U.S. History. He completed his M.A. and PhD in American History at Cambridge University. He is particularly interested in race relations, racial protest, and white supremacy from the Civil War to the present. He has recently completed an overview of the black struggle for equality in the USA from 1861-2008. He is currently working on African American religion during the Jim Crow era and links between the British and American struggles for racial equality.
Maurizio Vaudagna
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Maurizio Vaudagna is Professor of Contemporary History at the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, a post he has held since 1999. He is a founding member of the Interuniversity Center of American and European-American Studies “Piero Bairati.” He was international coordinator of a group of eight European universities who participated in a research network on “History and historians in American and European culture,” part of the Human Capital and Mobility Programme of the European Communities (1995-1997). He is co-editor of Transatlantic Encounters: Public Uses and Misuses of History in Europe and the United States and The Place of Europe in American History: Twentieth Century Perspectives.
Cécile Vidal
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France
Cécile Vidal is assistant professor of history at the EHESS and director of the Centre d’Études Nord-Américaines. She works mostly on Atlantic History and on colonization and slavery in North America, especially French and Spanish Louisiana in the 18th century. She co-authored, with Gilles Havard, a History of French North America. After studying the Illinois country under the French rules, she focuses now on a social and cultural history of New Orleans in the 18th century. She also heads a collective research project on a comparative history of colonial and/or slave societies in Atlantic America.
Irmina Wawrzyczek
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Poland
Irmina Wawrzyczek is professor of Anglo-American cultural history at Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. Her two main fields of research and teaching involve 1/ the British plantation colonies in North America, and 2/ methodology of British popular culture studies. Her doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations (Polish habilitacja) examined slave labor and popular mores in seventeenth-century Virginia and Maryland. She is the author of numerous scholarly publications, including two books and several co-edited volumes. She is a founding member of the Polish Association of American Studies, a long-standing member of the Polish Association for the Study of English, as well as recently of the European Early American Studies Association.